Continuum of Care

Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Download the Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Form here

The Wellness & Recovery Centre provides a safe, friendly environment where people living with a mental illness, mental health challenge and/or addiction can take part in a range of activities contributing to their overall recovery and wellness.

Your membership with the Centre provides you with many rights; however with your rights come responsibilities.

We consider everyone’s right to have a safe, friendly atmosphere at the Centre as essential – everyone who attends the Centre needs to feel comfortable and assured of their personal safety, security and well-being. Therefore, those not taking their responsibilities seriously and jeopardizing the safe atmosphere for others may be subject to progressive disciplinary action:

  • You have the Right to expect confidentiality regarding your condition, activities and participation. You have the Responsibility to observe the confidentiality of other members. You have a Responsibility to refrain from posting any information obtained at the Centre or during Centre sanctioned activities on social media without the express permission of the individual. This responsibility includes but is not limited to posting of photos.

  • You have the Right to an atmosphere free from remarks or actions that could be interpreted as discriminatory to race, colour, sex, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, sexual preference or religious persuasion. You have the Responsibility to refrain from making any remark or carrying out any action that could be interpreted as being discriminatory.

  • You have the Right to a safe, friendly environment. You have the Responsibility to refrain from exhibiting physical or verbal aggression toward members or staff.

  • You have the Right to enjoy an environment that is safe and supportive to your recovery goals. You have the Responsibility to yourself and everyone else to not wear offensive or degrading clothing. We have individuals who are trying to move forward with challenges regarding addiction and mental illness and clothing promoting and joking about alcohol and drugs or about mental illness are not appropriate. Anyone not respecting this responsibility will be asked to attend to the matter immediately.

  • You have the Right to a healthy environment. You have the Responsibility to not attend the Centre while ill and to assist to maintain a clean and safe Centre for all. You have the Responsibility to respect and adhere to the Centre’s scent free policy. Members not respecting the scent free policy will be asked to leave the Centre immediately to attend to this matter.

  • You have the Right to a quiet environment. You have the Responsibility to refrain from excessive loudness or the use of profane, vulgar or rude language.

  • You have the Right to a pleasant environment. You have the Responsibility to assist in the overall maintenance and cleanliness of the Centre. You have the Responsibility to observe personal hygiene and cleanliness. Members not maintaining a personal level of hygiene and cleanliness will be asked to leave the Centre immediately to attend to this matter.

  • You have the Right to borrow materials. You have the Responsibility to sign out borrowed materials with staff and to return borrowed materials in the condition in which they were borrowed or to replace them if lost or damaged.

  • You have the Right to visit the Centre whenever it is open and to participate in programs. You have the Responsibility to ask staff to use items belonging to the Centre or member permission before using any item belonging to an individual. You have the Responsibility to follow posted rules regarding the use of or access to Centre property. You have the Responsibility to follow Centre rules while at the Centre or on Centre outings.

  • You have the Right to make personal telephone calls. You have the Responsibility to request to use the phone and to keep calls short.

  • You have the Right to use computers and/or internet. You have the Responsibility to check with staff for an available machine, sign on to a machine and to limit use so all may enjoy the equipment. You also have the Responsibility to ensure the computers are not used for gambling or viewing “X-Rated” sites. You have the Responsibility to not load or add any programs or software to the computers without staff permission, to use the computers with care and to advise staff if there is a problem with a computer.

  • You have the Right to access the Centre van. You have the Responsibility to follow all van guidelines for booking of trips, payment and ridership. Ridership guidelines include the responsibility for every rider to wear a seat belt and also gives the driver the right to refuse rides to any member who is not adhering to the personal hygiene responsibility. Van ridership rights may be revoked if an individual does not adhere to responsibilities.

  • You have the Right to discuss any issues with staff. You have the Responsibility to make an appointment with the staff if your discussion will take more than a few minutes.

  • You have the Right to enjoy a drink. You have the Responsibility not to come to the Centre under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. You also have the Responsibility not to sell trade or give alcohol or drugs (prescription or “street”) to other members. You have a Responsibility to not use or consume drugs or alcohol at the Centre or during any Centre sanctioned event or activity.
    Observing your Rights and Responsibilities will make the Centre a safe, enjoyable place for all.

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